The definition of Bodily Injury Liability Coverage includes bodily harm, disease, sickness, and death. For there to be bodily injury to someone, it must be physically manifested and tangible.
It is the first type of insurance coverage you will see listed on the Declarations Page (summary of coverage) of a personal auto insurance policy.
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage will pay for a third party’s medical expenses when you are at fault in a car accident. The maximum amount of money your insurance company will pay out to that other person(s) for damage you caused is listed on your policy declarations page.
Note that there are specific California State Minimum Requirements that in our opinion are NOT ENOUGH to properly protect even the average person from an Auto Insurance Accident.
Please make sure your independent insurance agent goes over all the coverage with you, including the Limits of Liability for each type of coverage. Doing this will ensure you know exactly what type of protection you have and how much you are protected against.
Having the wrong coverage, or not having enough of it, could potentially break you and your family financially.
Example of Bodily Injury Liability Coverage
Imagine you are in your car driving to work. It is 7 am on a Monday morning and you are keeping up with the bumper-to-bumper traffic on the 5 Freeway going southbound towards Tustin, listening to your favorite local radio station.
In one of those “awesome moments of O.C. traffic,” you begin to speed up and reach a comfortable 65 miles per hour. As you already know, this speed won’t last long, so you take full advantage of this temporary moment of highway freedom.
As you switch lanes to make your way around what looks like another slow-down you turn your head to the left to check your blind spot.
As your head turns back to look out of your windshield you see red taillights flash, you slam on your breaks but are unable to break on time and you crash into the car in front of you. Yes, the one that was nearly at a dead stop a few yards in front.
The huge impact causes injuries to the driver and passengers of the car you hit and they are rushed to the Hospital. Since you were at fault, your insurance company will pay for their medical bills and things such as the cost of an Ambulance, Emergency Room, Surgery, Medication, etc.
Hospital bills add up very quickly so you must have enough Bodily Injury Liability Coverage to avoid paying for all of this yourself, out of pocket. The Limit of Liability is what will determine how much your company will pay and you should always have enough in case the damage you cause is truly BIG. Ask us a Question
You should always speak with an independent insurance agent for advice on how much Bodily Injury Liability Coverage you need to protect your family and your assets against a potential lawsuit brought on to you as a result of a large at fault car accident.
Increase your coverage and get a Personal Liability Umbrella!
Let’s assume you own a home worth $500,000. You cause an accident and the two passengers of the vehicle you hit are severely hurt.
After their visit to the hospital, they end up having medical expenses of $250,000 each for a total of $500,000. Since you had Bodily Injury Liability Limits of 250/500 you pay ZERO out of pocket.
This proves that having adequate limits has saved you from a potential lawsuit after causing this huge amount of damage, leaving your home untouched and safe.
If you think having enough coverage to properly protect you and your family is out of your price range, think again! Increasing your policy’s Bodily Injury Liability Coverage can cost only a small amount. You could even add an additional layer of protection to your Auto Insurance by purchasing a Personal Liability Umbrella Policy. This valuable type of policy covers an additional $1,000,000 for just a couple of hundred dollars a year.
Just ask us and we’ll provide you with the pricing on a policy that will accurately protect you, your family, and your assets from what could happen on a typical drive to work.
Gaston Roberti, Independent Insurance Agent |CEO of Roberti’s Insurance Agency